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Sense-Lab  |  Context


The context of our work


The way we organize our economy and society generates increasing negative pressure on people and the planet leading to the depletion of resources, collapse of services provided by nature, increasing inequality and loss of social cohesion. We are experiencing a depletion of economic, social, political and environmental systems, in a dynamic that feeds back, caused by the way in which the prevailing economic system is structured.


The system is driven by 3 interconnected factors: the way the business operates, the culture and narrative about business and consumption, and the way the economic, political and legal systems are structured.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Sense-Lab's theory of change and its impact management seek to align with major global agendas and movements that seek a more balanced economy and society. ​


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals, subdivided into 169 targets, established by the United Nations General Assembly. The SDGs are part of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 70/1: "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", or the 2030 Agenda. Sense-Lab's Theory of Change seeks to align with the SDGs, having established in its most recent version 4 primary SDGs and 7 secondary SDGs for its mission and purpose, as shown in the figure below:

Sustainable Development Goals

The thematic focuses are linked to several Sustainable Development Goals:



Suculentas e Cacto Agenda Diária Slide.png
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