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Strategic Planning 2023-2028 for Boticario Group Foundation (FGB)



The Boticário Group Foundation of Nature Protection (FGB) is a non-profit institution, based in Curitiba, Paraná, and operates throughout Brazil. Created in September 1990, their mission is to promote and carry out actions for nature conservation. Their activities are part of the private social investment strategy (ISP) of Boticário Group, which also maintains, in addition to the Foundation, the Boticário Group Institute and Sustainability actions.

As a vanguard organization, it has always sought innovative strategies for biodiversity conservation. Since it was created, the organization has contributed to the generation of knowledge and the preservation of natural environments essential to quality of life and the economy. The institution has already supported more than 1,600 actions and research throughout Brazil, through Project Support Notices, and protects 11,000 hectares of Atlantic Forest and Cerrado through two private natural reserves.

The Boticário Group Foundation works to ensure that nature serves as inspiration and is part of the solution to various problems in society. As working in defense of natural heritage is a major challenge, the institution also seeks to involve more sectors and organizations in this cause so that nature conservation is prioritized in public policies and business.

The Calling

Sense-Lab was called to conduct a process of reflection on the learnings from the last Strategic Planning cycle and the construction of the next medium-term cycle, including the critical review of the long-term strategic guide and guidelines for short-term tactical deployment.


The process started from the consolidation of major guidelines, strengths and leverage points based on reflection on the past cycle and listening to the foundation's sponsor and advisors. This created strong foundations for building a strategy with great impact and robustness.

The main deliverables were the review of the existing long-term organizational guide, from a new perspective of changing the role of the FGB, now more focused on articulation and influence and demonstration and innovation as a basis for expanding the strategy. A medium-term targeting tool was consolidated, which included the ideation of a new vision for 2030, the theme of adaptation to climate change as a strategic focus and two pillars, which would be the leverage points for action. From this, 4 strategic objectives were designed to direct the tactical deployment.

Finally, ambitious goals were designed and in the logic of amplification for the strategic objectives, which would be the major impact deliveries for 2030. Furthermore, a structure of tactical objectives, goals and tactical lines of action was structured by the teams, in order to defining what the role of the Foundation would be in achieving the proposed major objectives and how it would do this in practice.

The process and methodology

1. Critical reflection and consolidation of learnings about the Long-Term Guide (2040) and the Strategic Planning of the 2020-2023 cycle with the planning area + G5 (4 Senior Managers + Director)

  • Analysis of documentary material from the Foundation's previous planning

  • Analysis of notes referring to conversations about lessons learned carried out internally

  • Planning workshops with focal points and senior managers

2. Analysis of the external context and exploration of acting opportunities, based on the Operating Model. Exploratory listening with key internal and external actors.

  • Meeting with the maintainer

  • Interviews and survey with internal actors

  • Scenario analysis: Assessment of the field and vision of FGB’s performance by the main stakeholders

  • Systematization and consolidation in exploration report

3. Presentation of the information and insights collected in steps 1 and 2 and joint reflection on the guidance for the next planning cycle

  • Interpretation of all information collected in steps 1 and 2

  • Pre-design of strategic direction

  • Joint construction and collection of strategic directions from the board of trustees based on an initial model

  • Deepening strategic guidance based on the board’s input

4. Initial construction of paths for the planning process, identifying the context as a guide for updating the Strategic Map, as well as levers and strategic lines for FGB's actions in its next cycle

  • Construction of the medium-term map with the definition of levers and strategic lines of action for 2030

  • Definition of major mechanisms and intervention map

  • Consolidation and validation of the strategic plan

5. Deepening action strategies with a focus on defining objectives and results for the next planning cycle, including their relationship with the organization's current themes, programs and territories

  • In-person workshop to deepen the 2030 tactical deployment strategy

  • Workshop on synergy between strategies

  • Survey of directions for the transition strategy and construction of transition plans

  • Intervention map design

  • Refinement and deepening of the tactical structure with the specialist team

  • Deepening macro strategies and action fronts

  • definition of short-term objectives and tactical action strategies

  • Guidance for prioritizing and building the 2024 plan by teams and adapting metrics for 2024


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