The field of impact is very dynamic, and philanthropy is an activity that has evolved quite significantly in recent decades, moving from a welfare vision to an empowering approach, and more recently, increasingly catalytic and systemic.
With the growing urgency to support transitions to a more balanced model of coexistence on this planet, whether in climate, business, food, energy, healthcare or education, there is a need to move away from niche solutions that have focused on in the development of isolated and fragmented ways of addressing socio-environmental issues, and seeking innovations to generate changes at a broader system level and in a more integrated way.
One of the pioneering organizations in this approach is the BMW Foundation, whose mission is to inspire and strengthen responsible leaders to create positive impact. The Foundation coordinates a network of impact leaders from different sectors and themes in different regions of the world, and has been catalyzing leaders, ecosystems, movements and fields for a long time. As facilitators, builders and weavers of ecosystems, the organization sees itself in the role of connecting dots, welcoming emerging spaces and creating the trust-based relational infrastructure necessary for truly transformative and meaningful collaboration to happen.
The call
The BMW Foundation has increasingly reflected on how to create the right conditions for the collective power of multiple organizations and individuals to be harnessed to drive positive change beyond niche innovation into the mainstream.
Sense-Lab has been working with participatory and dialogical processes for 10 years, based on co-creation involving various actors. The idea of empowering organizations, networks and people who are contributing to the construction of a regenerative future has been very present in our work since the beginning.
Seeking to understand how these processes can happen in a more intentional, consistent and profound way, the BMW Foundation and Sense-Lab built a methodology for what was called ecosystem catalysis.
Based on the experience of the BMW Foundation and some of its peers, Sense-Lab led a process of co-construction of a methodology for catalyzing ecosystems, which culminated in a process divided into 4 major moments: Sense, Observe, Enable and Spread. The stages do not happen in a linear way and involve many subjectivities, but recognizing these major moments and understanding possible interventions, approaches and roles proved to be useful for thinking about relevant contributions from a catalytic organization.
Feel: At this moment, it is important to assume a stance of curiosity and respect for what already exists in the ecosystem in question, and seek to build relationships of trust with and between key actors in the field. From this, the catalyst must be able to feel what is emerging in terms of ideas, connections, initiatives and trends.
Observe: Through observation, and combining intuition with rationality, the catalyst begins to identify aspects that, within what is emerging from that ecosystem, have a high potential to leverage the desired systemic transformation, and therefore must be catalyzed.
Enable: The catalyst uses active listening to promote collaboration, create and strengthen connections between different actors, and seeks to leverage ecosystem-driving organizations, which also play a key role in this catalytic process. The catalyzing organization focuses on serving what is emerging and has the potential to leverage systemic change, and is constantly adjusting its role and contribution in this regard, understanding what is needed within the context in question.
Spread: The idea here is to gain scale and influence the system in a profound way. When the ecosystem is more mature, the catalyst can be an important actor in helping to bring new ideas into the mainstream, influencing more traditional actors and driving change in a systemic way. At this moment, the role of building bridges, creating relevant connections, opening channels and spaces for dialogue is essential.

Process and Methodology
The process included:
Document analysis, focusing mainly on the Foundation's past experiences in catalyzing ecosystems and similar processes
Research, reading articles and analyzing documents on trends in the field of philanthropy linked to ecosystem development
Interviews with the BMW Foundation team to explore past experiences and collect insights for building the methodology
External interviews with people from philanthropic organizations who are also working on catalyzing ecosystems and related processes
Co-creation meetings and workshops with the BMW Foundation team to build, evolve and refine the methodology